AASI annually provides a workshop and a conference in Kansai area. Japan. In order to check the yearly schedule, please click the day with blue dot.
Date: Saturday, October 6, 2018
Venue: Kansai University
Yamate Cho 3-3-35Suita City, Osaka, Japan
JASAS pleasantly launches the 1st annual conference titled with "Navigating Afro-Asian world" at Kansai University. The conference draws on the expertise of Asianists and Africanists in direct dialogue, exploring histories, dynamics, and outflows of social interaction between the two regions and studies.
You can see the detail and register
from the link of the host organizing committee (AASG Kansai University)
Now we are waiting for your proposal till 15, July.
(1) Key note speech:
Professor Kaoru Sugihara (Global History and Asian Economic History, National Graduated Institute for Policy Studies, GRIPS).
(2) Panel discussion:
Seifuden Adem(Doshisha University), Vick Ssali(Aichi Hakuin University), Jean-Claude Maswana(Tsukuba University), Christian Otcha (Kwansei Gakuin University)
(3) 2 thematic sessions and a student session.
<Registration Fee>
Registration Fee: 2000 yen
Student Fee: 1000 yen
Social Gathering Fee: 3000 yen
*JASAS supports the student presenter with event fee exemption
if registers as a JASAS member.
Afro-Aisan World"
Event Photos
The 1st Workshop
"Future of Africa- Asia Relationship"
April 28, 2018@ Doshisha University
Pictures are available from here
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